How To Add A Comment

I love comments and they are simple to do! 

1. At the end of my post type your comment in the box.
2.  From the "Comment As" drop down box Choose the Name/URL option.
4. Enter your name in the "Name" section (leave the URL section blank) and push continue.
5. Push publish or preview and enter the code shown - this helps reduce spam comments, we don't want those, yuk!
6.  Ta da! You're done!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zoe! Once I get the Library website going the way I want it to go, maybe you could be a contributor to the Library blog by talking about the books you are reading? It'll be a month or two yet, but I thought of you immediately when I was thinking how I could get kids books involved on the new site. I have a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel mix named "Perry"!
